Wednesday, September 16, 2015


  It may be helpful for those choosing to go the path of Mgtow to have a reasonable picture of what counts as modern feminism and feminist ideology. So while its expected that many men prompted to take a better look at the current environment and face a harsher reality that its more gynocentric than patriarchy, thus coming into awakening with either a general view or a vague uneasy understanding of what represents modern feminism, its probably not  altogether possible for a man to approach MGTOW  ideas without having to confront in some degree the topic of feminism and feminists. And while there may be some MGTOW who aren't bothered by feminism, for the most part on average many do see the ideology as a major contributor to the gynocentric environment that continues to impose upon mainstream society the present paradigm similar to a metaphoric plantation where what's expected from men, at least what's expected from men who want to be considered "good men" is nothing short of mindlessly existing in deference to women, at his expense, as a tool of disposability, while accepting the relationship on terms that do not obligate women to reciprocate equal deference. A "bad man" as feminist practice articulates in numerous ways is a man who chooses to not exist in mindless deference to women and who refuses to offer himself up as a tool of disposability.

Of course there are plenty of feminist men out there who accept the mindless deference paradigm because from their point of view, generally speaking not only has feminism and feminist have all the answers to societal ills, but they accept, usually without question or critique the feminist presupposition that as male they themselves are guilty and embody all the negative associations placed on men by 30+ years of feminist gender discourse. So like the feminist they voluntarily remain on the metaphorical plantation as the embodiment of the house slave whose loyalty to their master is exhibited by an eager willingness to report to their masters any and all information or plans suggesting plans from field slaves seeking to runaway. This of course follows from the male feminist manner of logic from which he believes that his show of loyalty by throwing other men under the bus will gain them special privileges and rewards from a grateful feminist master. The male feminist tacitly believes the gender phrenology of feminist rhetoric that advances a string of pseudo science, generalizations and determinism that men by innate gender character can not be more then the sum of the most negative stereotypes and associations.

The world as the male feminist sees it, is a reflection of the fun-house mirror image of the male gender distortions provided by his obsessive need to be validated as a person of value from his feminist masters. And like his feminist masters his entrenchment in feminist misandry and self loathing is unlikely to consider any wider more objective consideration of what embodies the complexities and nuances of the male gender.

Modern feminism and feminist in general insist that feminism by dictionary definition is equal rights for women social, political and economic, that feminism embodies a pursuit of social justice. This definition feminist use to defend themselves against an association with man-bashing and hating men would have some currency if it were not for the fact that far too many reasonable men and women observe feminism as an ideology by feminist across the board PRACTICE man-hating and male bashing every chance they get, and within the present gynocracy, that chance is frequent to the point of mainstream indulgence. Academic feminist write long esoteric literature filled with basically the same universal anti-male theories, assertions, proclamations and self-important notions of  dialectic that when taken together as a summery of men when males are the subject of discourse, communicate basically the same thing, regardless of  much they claim feminism and feminist are diverse and have different approaches and so on. A reasonable person reviewing the bulk of feminist literature, lectures, speeches, films, or an form of protest, marches, and public advocacy will easily observe a consistent unbroken subtext when the male gender is the subject of discourse. It doesn't vary and never will. Without exception modern feminism and feminist reduce the totality of  man's character and male identity to just three primary states of existence. 1. Rapist, 2. Abuser, 3. Oppressor

One can easily observe in every branch of media and virtually every branch of feminism this trilogy of main assertion that are deterministic of the male identity which they ruthlessly add negative associations to the male identity. Masculinity is toxic, Testosterone=violent, pathological. Father =abusive pedophile, and so on. You will find it extremely rare in the bulk of feminist literature or media any serious concentration on male virtue, achievement or accomplishment. In other words, don't expect feminism to credit man for nothing positive if it doesn't exclusively involve men deferring to women as sacrificial tools of disposability, and  certainly not if you're straight and white. At present there is no existing branch of feminism that does not enjoy the practice of laying the fault and flaw of every aspect of society's ills at the feet of men. Meanwhile you will probably never hear a single feminist seriously mention female culpability, preferring to cry victim blaming if the subject ever arises. and let's not forget the feminist method of debate. if you disagree with a feminist, then you're a misogynist. That's it. In this way the practice of modern feminism as an ideology operates no different than that of a totalitarian philosophy. It accepts no critique, criticism, question of its ideology and treats any resistance to its simplistic view of gender and the world as evidence of misogyny and therefore no alternative perspective can hope to see the light of day. Modern feminism and feminist practice a kind of three card Monty shell game where they practice misandry, then deny it then continue to practice it while shuffling the shells to appropriate different definitions and meaning discarding and picking up areas  of social pronouncement on men and society as they see fit according to what's convenient. Under one shell is the insistence that feminism seeks equality and justice for all, in another shell is the equality assertion contradicted because you can say equality and define an ideological practice by admitting to concentrating only of women's issues.Under the third shell is the frequent  practice of feminist to add more anti-male laws, policies and legislation under the guise that men must be treated like dangerous animals whose every move and thought must be tightly regulated and restrained, usually through over the top punitive measures.

When you get down to it, once every objective investigation into modern feminism and feminist is observed and experienced by conscientious men, it turns out that the oversimplified cartoon caricature of men that feminist pass off as the standard model has only one reasonable conclusion.

Feminist don't know anything about men. And aren't capable of  knowing anything about men other than the cartoon caricature that dismisses male complexity and nuance.

Rapist, abuser and oppressor is the long and short of entrenched feminist ideology and there exist no known observable variation  suggesting otherwise. And though feminist attempt to deny this view that feminism is essentially misandric, anti-male in practice, actual lived experiences of many men when encountering feminism, communicates quite a different take altogether.That is unless you're a male feminist then there's nothing that can be said to you, and any attempt to reach you is an endeavor of futility.

The academic feminist, before labeling me a misogynist will say I provide no citations. I could, but I see no reason to validate myself to a feminist to whom citation or other proofs would simply be dismissed, trivialized or rationalized into semantic meaninglessness. The greatest citation is my lived experiences, but of course men's lived experiences as recounted by men have no meaning to them and only what they determine defines the live experiences of men is considered the only legitimate designation for accounts for every single reason why men do or don't do a thing, feel, think or express a thing.  In other words feminist believe with absolute conviction that they and only they are qualified to define and determine the lived experiences of men and thus make their prejudiced over-simplifies determinism of what defines the male identity and male experience the foundation for all of their gender social theories, which of course concludes with the equation women=good man=bad. And from the negative associations and presuppositions about male identity come the numerous statistics whose methodology openly utilizes confirmation bias to correlate a preconceived demonic assessment of men and male identity.

When called out on this practice, virtually no feminist ever admits their participation choosing instead a series of reliable defaults to externalize  culpability, typically using men and the male gender as the scapegoat to which they externalize their hypocrisy. So you'll hear  things like, "You need to be educated on feminism," or "You'e uniformed on what feminism is all about" or"We hate the patriarchy not men," Which is odd since in feminist terms the patriarchy is nothing more than the collective blame of men rather than the individual blame of a man.  The defaults of externalization range from accusations of victim blaming to the the usual excoriation that if all else fails label the man racist, sexist and a misogynist.

Feminist have depended on this line of defense and offense for so long that they are incapable of change except to a more totalitarian version of the former slightly less totalitarian ideology.

For men who are beginning to awaken and see the underlying reality that reveals your chains and the vastness of the plantation of which you have been its slave and sacrificial appliance, realizing that society is now a gynocracy can be jarring, So jarring in fact that it can make you angry, Awakening to realize that you were a slave all this time to a system of which you obtain no personal benefit can also be depressing. And then there's the thing that is within the psychology of most slaves. If slavery is all  you've known from birth to the present, what frame of reference do you have for what liberation embodies? Angry, confused and disorientation is normal for a newly enlightened MGTOW. And part of this blog is to assist that new MGTOW towards orientation, while keeping in mind that assistance isn't dogma, it isn't me telling a man going his own way what to do or how he must live. MGTOW isn't about me deciding what's best for another free man within reason.its about doing something that the plantation of feminist gynocertricism cannot by policy advocate on any level and that is reveal to men and MGTOW that your worth and value no longer has to depend upon the sanction or validity of entitled misandric feminism. The chains are off and all it takes is the courage to walk off the plantation.

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