Tuesday, November 10, 2015


   When it happens, it may happen suddenly, or gradually. But when it happens the world no longer looks quite the same. The thing that happens is realization. And as a man this realization is part confrontation with the truth of things and part realization of one's precise place in a world where the rules, laws and policies not only are formatted to work against you, but work to engineer a perverse manufacture of self consent to gain acceptance in a society that is open in its contempt for you, and where you have less than zero value as a full human being. It can be shocking for some , the realization is similar to a person who has tried for years to do the right thing for someone or some principle, only to discover, usually by accident that those with whom you expend yourself has no respect for you, while also engaging in the very wrongs with which you are told isn't right to practice.

   Imagine putting a woman or women on a pedestal and existing to appease and ingratiate these women through personal sacrifice, while upholding conditions that require proof of your devotion through devaluing yourself in every aspect. For a long time, you probably imagine that your efforts will be appreciated,Surely respected, more than likely praised in some way. You may even accept a dynamic,which requires you to avoid articulating any expectation of fair repricosity, because doing so infers that your efforts lack true sincerity and therefore is invalid.

   Then one fine day you discover the woman or women collectively laugh behind our back, they mock you and freely admit to one another that your only function is a dupe whose affections are to be mercilessly exploited for the wholesale benefit of that which he places on a pedestal. Not only do you discover that everything you attempt to do to raise the standard of women's ( or a woman's) lives  means nothing to her as far as you're concerned but in reality she and they have only sheer contempt for you and can barely stand your presence.

   This discovery is pretty painful for any man who experiences this sort of revelation. And although for brevity sake, I'm conflating a bit in a generalized description of modern western male-female relationship dynamics, this is a basic description of what informs the reality of many relationships between men and women in the west. Now, one can understand that such realizations can be so painful that some men choose as a matter of psychological preservation to embrace several rationalizations to offset the glimpse into reality. Some, perhaps many will retreat further into self-deception whereupon such contempt for them by the women they sacrifice and give deference to is somehow deserved on the basis of one or more constructed flaws and faults they attribute to themselves. The result in most cases is this man probably feels he needs to work even harder to sacrifice and exist in more deference to that which cares little for him.

   The alternative is,of course to fully confront the reality refuse to retreat into self-deception see things for what they really are with regard to contemporary western relationships with western women in a general sense. This degree of realization is not easy. Think about it, a part of this realization and confrontation involves admitting how many years was wasted navigating in the dark on a hamster wheel to nowhere. Moreover, one is faced with the meaningless loss of time, money and activities that could have enhanced one's life. One also faces a truth about the how modern relationships are structured to promote an existence for men on diminishing returns, while the principles, rules, or expectations from you is acquiescence to a zero sum game. One result of realization with many of the deceptions, exploitation and disposability derived from the western woman's prerequisites and requisites of ultimatums, demands and conditions is sheer unadulterated anger.

   Then while you're angry and express that anger with words, you are further insulted by feminists who characterize your natural anger as inappropriate. What's more you're told over and over and over again that just for expressing any anger at women it makes you a pathetic loser who is bitter and irrationally resentful. Meanwhile feminists make no complaint about some of the extreme responses against men by women for petty grievances that sometimes result in his home being burned to the ground, car wrecked, or any number of costly revenge tactics used by women to either permanently ruin or destroy his reputation livelihood and relationships with his children if he has any as well as his health. Consider an incident from a few years ago. A man requests a divorce from his wife. She retaliates by drugging the man to incapacitate him and while placed on a bed, proceeds to cut off his penis and destroy it in a garbage disposal. Later, feminists on a reasonably popular TV daytime show, mock him and praise the woman who destroyed his penis. At no point did a single feminist call fora boycott of the show, and the utter destruction of the careers of the women on the show who mocked the man's mutilation. You know like they definitely would do were the situation inverted. In fact there was no commercial, public or meaningful condemnation by feminists nor mention in the media about the hosts of the show's decidedly sexist behavior. Yet a few years prior, Don Imus was fired from his long running radio show for making a petty insensitive comment about an all female basketball team, The outrage delivered by feminist would accept no result other than Don Imus' complete dismissal from his job and more than that to utterly define his entire life based upon one insensitive comment about a group of women that had absolutely no power to adversely affect them on any observable level. Contrast this with the psychological anguish a man must feel knowing that something so painful, permanent and life changing is portrayed as the butt of a national joke by western women. If one seriously ask, in modern times, is a man's life, health, ideas, perspective, and efforts hold any value for western woman the realistic answer would be absolutely not.

Apply this to dating and relationships, employment and economics and general pursuit of happiness, and one can easily perceive the arena of disposability with which western women in general regard men. And what else can it be but continuing contempt for men when man's pain, destruction, dismemberment and loss is regarded almost wholly as a source of comedy, so much so that even some men join in to laugh at the anguished pain and disenfranchisement of other men.

You break up with a woman, society under feminist gynocracy says you're a jerk that deserves every evil done to you under the sun. She breaks up with you, she's an empowered women who decides to pursue her independence. (Usually after she's got from you what she needed or when you can no longer meet the increasing material and monetary demands she requires.)  In any case, your feelings as a man maters little and whatever reaction you have other than tacit acceptance of the situation is belittled and trivialized.

In other words, you as a man either face the harsh uncomfortable truth that up until realization, you served as nothing more than a utility to be exploited and later discarded as a utility of disposibility, or fall into self-deception to preserve a false sense of value to and for those who do not value you beyond superficial utility. If you decide to confront the truth and possibly endure the anger and anguish that naturally arrives with discovering the truth, you may also decide to use the opportunity to reorient the part of your life where continuing to participate in the same environment and conditions amounts to little more than rinse, fold and repeat.

Have you ever heard the expression, "get back on the horse?" Don't you ever wonder why you should get back on a horse that has no interest in keeping you in the saddle?  Well in a way that's what modern relationship dynamics tell men. If one doesn't work find another, try again and keep on trying until you find the right one. Yet at no point does society ever question the rules, environment, expectations, requirements, demands, conditions, ultimatums and random constantly shifting standards men face in a zero sum situation. What you're really being told is, "get back on the hamster wheel to nowhere. Do the rules of the plantation benefit the slave master or the slave? Think about it, what makes a "good" slave? Really give it some thought and you'll find its almost identical to what makes a good boyfriend or husband under contemporary feminist gynocracy. Does a slave on a plantation have any value external to what explicitly benefits the slave master, his family, the surrounding society and that slave master's sense of authoritarian superiority? What's more likely happen to a slave when after years of service he is no longer able to physically supply it? More often than not he's put out to pasture, and if being put out to pasture has about as much meaning as simply living out the rest of his life on the plantation sans work, keep in mind his basic economic and material existence remains the same or worse. At no point is the slav retired or not permitted to better himself because the act of bettering himself is tantamount to achieving self value that may not be easily exploitable by the plantation master. Similarly you see this dynamic at play with feminist's idea about MGTOW.

Observe how they bitterly complain when some men simply decide to walk away from the gynocracy plantation. How often do you hear from them and others that such men are losers, pathetic, bitter, resentful because they can't get laid, or indifferent to adding to the structure of family, marriage and all the things that exclusively benefit women at his expense with no intention of any form of sincere repricosity.

Think of the logic behind many western women who complain that less men approach them in bars. At no point do they ever meditate on why that sometimes happen. But after decades of sadistically rejecting men for laughs and self empowerment and labelling any man who dares approach as creeps and  generally humiliating them in public and treating them with barely disguised contempt, why should men in general continue to subject themselves to entitled, spoiled not very nice women who overinflate their value to a point where they believe it gives them license to abuse men with impunity and without any shred of consequence?

Suppose things have gotten so bad that its no longer worth it for men who value their own worth to no longer subject themselves to conditions, demands and ultimatums from which they derive zero personal benefit. And what's the response to men checking out of marriage, relationships or participating in a societal system that doesn't value them?

More contempt.

Unable to self-reflect on their entitlement mentality, female feminist academics resort to writing highly inaccurate esoteric tomes called "The End of Men" or "Maning Up," while espousing endless articles and talking points deriding the "slackerman," the "manchild," and other similar negative stereotypes and associations about men without ever considering for an instance what feminism and western women's entitlement contributed to the environment that has rendered western women very close to something toxic, so toxic that whatever alluring attributes remaining is simply minimized to such a degree that any alternative yields far better results than dealing with people who no longer have the capacity to truly appreciate and mutually support good guys in a fair and equitable manner.

The challenge for men who wake up and come to the realization is how to reorient one's life after a lifetime of living under one dynamic and relationship paradigm.  Going back to the metaphorical plantation is not an option, so on the open road away from the familiar how can a man going his own way navigate an uncertain and unfamiliar terrain? For each man the resolution may be different, but as MGTOW truly provides, there is a resolution and the resolution, unlike the conditions of a gynocracy, is not the conditions of diminishing returns. Just as kicking a long habit of cocaine or alcohol abuse is initially difficult, the addicts life can only be better the further he goes from the habits and environment that gave him a previous impression that he couldn't live happily without drugs or overabundance of alcohol. All alternatives to addiction is increasing returns, all addiction to poisonous substances guarantees only diminishing returns.

Similarly, general western standards for contemporary relationships with western women guarantees very little return on emotional, psychological and economic investment for modern western men in general. As the losses stack up, so does the loss of self-esteem, sense of self, sense of worth, sense of personal value and like the addict addicted to Crystal Meth, over time he resembles less and less the former vitality in appearance and judgement he may have possessed prior to entering the relationship. The steady decline in judgement, his anger and mounting frustration that repeatedly is suffocated under the paradigm of disposable utility, sometimes contributing to irrational explosions of violence and self-destructive behavior, modern relationships with western women under the present gynocracy provides no daylight where he emerges better than when he entered it.

The "good" slave is never better off for being a "good"slave.Only the slave owner is better off. And why? because look at who is compelled by force to do all the heavy work. But what if the modern symbolic equivalent of the plantation is something you can walk away from. you know, just drop the hoe, the shevel, the yoke the chains and just walk away? Why should the slave be more concerned about the health of a society that doesn't value his health? Why should the slave have an interest in preserving the traditions, culture and philosophy of a society that doesn't recognize his common humanity --- and has zero interest in sharing the fruits of that society he is chiefly responsible for providing? Translate this into the economic health of bars and restaurants, vacation resorts and hotels. Why should a man continue to patronise a bar where the female bartenders talk trash about the male patrons to women who spend the least amount at the bar for drinks. Translate this to the economic health of many restaurants who depend on men to pay for two or more meals yet openly disparage the male patrons to females who are given free meal  after expensive free meal over the years. Consider the economic health of most jewelry stores who depend upon men to spend several months pay on diamonds, yet remain silent on the fact that the women who get these items often think little of the men who purchase their jewry. Do they ever speak up for men? Has anyone noticed?

So why should a man care to support  bars, restaurants and other venues that add nothing to his benefit? What if more men decided to wake up and rationally serve his own interests for his own benefit, while supporting the value of other men without deferring to western women to validate his value and worth.

Imagine it, and think about this. If men did this, what reason would he have to condescend into pathology, abuse, and psychological discontent?


  1. Nicely written. The Red Pill is never taken on a lark. Most of the time it is jammed down a man's throat and then he has to digest it - the hardest thing he will ever do. Digesting it is akin to the five stages of the greiving process. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

  2. Thanks, and you're correct. Realization/red pill digestion is never easy. In fact speaking with virtually every MGTOW, whether reading or hearing their experiences regarding Red Pill ingestion, few have ever remarked that its an easy thing. And part of the process will likely involve tremendous anger that sometimes cause expressions that aren't going to be articulated with what is regarded as sensitive, insofar as caring what and how other women feel and think about some of the things said about them.

    And it is these angry retorts feminist cherry pick and use as examples to discredit MGTOW or MRA's. At no point do they bother examining WHY MGTOWs or MRA's are moved to express anger at some women, because doing so implies having to actually take a good long look at the entitlement mentality of western women that contribute to western men's discontent within the social relationship paradigm.
