Wednesday, December 30, 2015

                                         THE REJECTION and BITTERNESS THEOREM

Tell me if you've ever heard this before... "You hate women because you're bitter about being rejected."

Chances are if you're MGTOW or an MRA you're going to run across a lot of feminists and many women who respond to any critique of some women's faults and flaws with what I call the rejection and bitterness theorem. What is interesting is, how completely dismissive they are of men who have been rejected and they treat men's bitterness as something that's never justified. Sure, the feminist keeps saying, men need to express emotions and break the bonds of toxic masculinity so long as some of those emotions isn't anger, bitterness or resentment towards women. Now, when I say this, I'm not speaking of resentment towards women as a gender or a collective, but legitimate resentment at specific attitudes and behavior from women within the context of social relationships that is obviously problematic.

On a wider scale of internal emotional practice, contrary to feminist mystification appointing masculinity as the "toxic' pathology hurting men by subduing male emotion, men who prefer masculine qualities within their lives actually have no trouble expressing a wide range of varying emotions. One doesn't have to look far to see any man eagerly expressing emotion. just go to a ball game and watch the men's expressions when their team scores. Apparently, feminists seem to believe that the only emotion men express that counts is if he's perpetually shedding tears.

I mean, isn't that the near exclusive example of what they say men should be allowed to do to define what they believe is men expressing emotion? I mean, that  --- and weakness, vulnerability and and self loathing etc... I've pointed out in the past that feminist believe with absolute conviction that they and only they believe they are qualified to define and determine the lived experiences of men more than the men who actually live them. So it's no surprise that they feel qualified to define and determine for men the accepted range of what we feel think and believe. And that brings me  once more to the bitterness and rejection theorem.

When men discuss a bad breakup or divorce or hypocritical flaws within the ideology of feminism or the double standards within contemporary western relationships that critiques women's behavior and attitudes within the context of female fault and flaw, it doesn't take long before a feminist or women rationalizes that the reason behind such criticism stems specifically over bitterness at being rejected, as though rejection is so unbearable for men that we are predisposed to irrational psychic trauma leading invariably to misogyny.

It never occurs to them that an assessment of some women's treatment of men has nothing to do with bitterness or resentment but a statement of observable and experiential fact. however one reason why so many feminists and western women in general default to the theorem is to avoid facing some extremely uncomfortable truths about themselves. saying a man is bitter and resentful basically trivializes and dismisses any perspective he has that indicates unfavorable verdicts on western women in the context of relationships social or intimate.

Think about it. when you see a movie or TV show that features a female character screwing up, what's the first thing she hears more than anything else regardless of the depth of the screw up.

"It's not your fault."

Over and over and over again, women in life and media, cinema or otherwise is told like an incessant mantra "it's not your fault."  they hear this from blue pill men, feminists and social institutions.

You got unexpectedly pregnant because of a bad choice in the man you decided to lay down for...

... it's not your fault.

You falsely accuse a man of rape or sexual assault and the truth comes out...

... its not your fault.

You  underperform at an appointed job task...'s not your fault.

You make occasional bad decisions and choices resulting in problems for other people...

...its not your fault.

30 plus years of a steady diet of nothing ever being the fault of women has logically generated a conviction in most western women that they are somehow without fault or flaw and any error of personal judgement can simply be externalized towards men.

 A woman murders her boyfriend or husband in his sleep. The patriarchy made her do it by oppressing her and making her lash out in desperation.

A woman didn't get a promotion over a better qualified man. The misogynist sexist patriarchy impeded her with a glass ceiling.

A man breaks up with her  or files for divorce because she cheated on him. Its his fault for not meeting her sexual and emotional demands, conditions and ultimatums.

So while men have spent centuries developing the ability to self reflect and practice introspection of himself and other men, modern western women have not. Feminism  taught them it's easier to blame men for THEIR insecurities, THEIR emotional issues, THEIR bad habits, choices and decisions. However as much as most western women are eager to assign men blame for everything, you will never hear any feminist within the mainstream give men credit for anything.

If a man runs into a burning building risking his life to save several trapped women and their children , he's not appreciated because under the feminist entitlement mentality, he's SUPPOSED to risk his life as part of a societal obligation. So he get's no credit for his efforts.

In other words western women take western men for granted generally speaking and this is part and parcel of the whole male disposibility system from which even many men have so little value or their own lives they think their existence is for the purpose of throwing it away to appease women who nonetheless expect them to happily sacrifice themselves for their sake as a matter of course.

So what happens when enough women take men for granted and treat them badly and with so much entitlement that they eventually become wholly unappealing? Do they self-reflect on what  they contributed to some men finding them unappealing regardless of physical appearance and intelligence? apparently not. Instead they run for cover behind the nothing is ever a woman's fault paradigm and chalk up the reason some guys want nothing to do with them as bitterness and resentment at past rejection.


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